Master in Biology and Ecology for the Forest Agronomy and Environment – track Forests and their environments (FEN)
Faculté des Sc. et Technologies
Master moncompteformation

Master in Biology and Ecology for the Forest Agronomy and Environment – track Forests and their environments (FEN)

  • All languages : English
  • Duration : 4 semesters
  • Pace : Full-time
  • Study Type : Campus
  • Tuition Fees* : EUR 480

*including social security cooverage. Registration fee : €243

Prerequesites 1st year graduate level, Undergraduate level
Localisation Nancy and surroundings
Type of course Face to face
Associated research lab EFABA - Écosystèmes Forestiers, Agroressources, Bioprocédés et Alimentation, LERMAB - Laboratoire d'Étude et de Recherche sur le Matériau Bois, SILVA, IAM - Interactions Arbres / Micro-organismes
Degree name Master mention Agrosciences, Environnement, Territoires, Paysage, Forêt Parcourstype Forest and their environment
Internship Required
Schools Faculté des Sc. et Technologies