Master STPE PT Géologie Numérique
Master moncompteformation

Master STPE PT Géologie Numérique

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Students learn the fundamentals of subsurface computer-based modeling methods using mathematical and computer science concepts (geometry, topology, statistics, inverse methods).

They build their programing and software development skills to work in large-scale software teams. They develop programming skills for scientific computing using C++.

In complement to their base geoscience education, they also develop domain knowledge by working on case studies using examples of subsurface modeling.

These skills are complemented by a significant attention brought to an individial R&D project. These projects are generally (but not exclusively) proposed by the Research for Integrative Numerical Geology (RING) team (, and lead to a presentation at the annual RING Meeting. Industry internships are also possible.

Niveau d'accès Bac+4
Bac+5 et plus
Localisation Nancy et agglomération
Modalités d'études Alternance
Laboratoire(s) de recherche associé(s) CRPG - Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques
GeoRessources - GeoRessources
OTELo - Observatoire Terre et Environnement de Lorraine
Nom officiel Master mention Sciences de la terre et des planètes, environnement parcours-type Géologie Numérique
Stage Oui
Schools ENSG